2005年冬,三姐妹齊心創立銀飾品牌GEORGIA TSAO,以活潑的原創設計與鼓舞人心的品牌精神為主要特色(point of difference)。2010六月,增加洋裝產品線,主打輕鬆簡約的款式,帶復古風格。
GEORGIA TSAO的起步從網路商店與創意市集開始,經過了五年的努力,目前GT在全台灣有兩個直營店;2008一月,GEORGIA TSAO在西門紅樓開了第一家實體店面(十六工房),2010六月,在師大商圈開了GEORGIA TSAO旗鑑店,2011年六月在東區開了第三家店。讓更多人能親臨現場體驗GT的設計理念與精緻質感。
從 "勇敢可愛" 蛻變成 "愛與相信"
起初,品牌LOGO維京帽象徵的是現代人勇敢與可愛兼具的特質,尖角象徵勇敢,愛心代表可愛。然而,隨著品牌的成長與三姐妹的蛻變,GT現在更希望強調的是人們心中的 "愛" 與 "相信" ;透過作品傳達出的理念與態度,也表達了三姐妹對生活的體悟與感動,GT成了一個有溫度的品牌。
品牌標語: Believe in Yourself
Believe in Yourself 是一個信念,它可以是面對逆境時的勇敢、
106 台北青田郵局(台北7支)
黃子恬 存局候領
02 23656760
將項鍊包妥(盒子不需要寄回), 另附上回郵NT30元
♥ 加入GT網路商店會員,可不定期收到GT電子報,購物亦可享免運費優惠(台灣地區)
♥ 單次購滿NT8000,或一年內累計購滿NT12000,即可成為VIP,VIP購物9折,生日月購買8折(一次)
Brand Introduction:
In December 2005, we three sisters created this silver jewelry brand – GEORGIA TSAO. We focused on creating unique and inspiring designs which captured our brand essence.
we initially started selling our designs via an on-line store and in various outdoor markets. We expanded into a few department store and boutiques and after four years, we opened a physical store at the Red House in Ximending, Taipei. Now, our customers can try on our products in person, feel the quality of each piece, and learn the story behind each design.
Brand Essence:
Over the years, our brand essence has changed from "Cute and Brave" to "Love and Believe".
Initially the heart and two horns of our logo represented young spirits (cute) and courage (brave). As time has gone by, both our brand and ourselves have evolved, and we now want to focus on "Love and Believe". These words represent our attitude towards life, which we hope is expressed through our designs.
Brand Tagline:
Believe in Yourself
We hope this tagline is not merely a set of empty words, but a true belief, which inspires and encourages all of you whenever you may face adverse circumstances.
After Sales Service:
We provide life-time after sales service which includes repair (for fee) and complimentary cleaning. We also provide engraving service on certain products for a fee of NT$150(~US$5).
Become a member:
Sign up to be a member of GEORGIA TSAO via our on-line shop and you will receive GT e-news updates.